Pre-requisites: Editing family information or requesting a volunteer account requires Person Edit rights in Rock. Please contact another staff member to make the request if you do not have those rights.

  1. On the Rock Login screen, enter your username and password. Search for the volunteer, or if needed create a new Rock record for the volunteer.
  2. Click the Actions drop-down list near the top right corner of the person's Rock profile, and choose Request Rock Account for Volunteer
  3. Fill out the form:
    1. Volunteer Position – an optional title
    2. The campus where they will serve
    3. Your ministry
    4.  If they need an extension
    5. Any rock rights they may need
    6. Anything else they may need that is not covered above.

   4. Click 'Submit'

What's Next?

Your volunteer received an email with a link to sign our Technology Agreement digitally

Once the Technology Agreement has been signed, IT will be notified and begin creating the account within the next 5 days

You will see emails showing that a ticket was created on your behalf, and we may send you additional questions for follow-up

When the account is created, we will update your ticket and send you the volunteer's login information