Pre-requisites: Editing family information or requesting a volunteer account requires Person Edit rights in Rock. Please contact another staff member to make the request if you do not have those rights.
- On the Rock Login screen, enter your username and password. Search for the volunteer, or if needed create a new Rock record for the volunteer.
- Click the Actions drop-down list near the top right corner of the person's Rock profile, and choose Request Rock Account for Volunteer
- Fill out the form:
- Volunteer Position – an optional title
- The campus where they will serve
- Your ministry
- If they need an extension
- Any rock rights they may need
- Anything else they may need that is not covered above.
4. Click 'Submit'
What's Next?
Your volunteer received an email with a link to sign our Technology Agreement digitally
Once the Technology Agreement has been signed, IT will be notified and begin creating the account within the next 5 days
You will see emails showing that a ticket was created on your behalf, and we may send you additional questions for follow-up
When the account is created, we will update your ticket and send you the volunteer's login information